
Travel & Board/ Wage Schedule Matrix
  1. Application for Daily Travel Room Board Allowance

    OPG sites only.

  2. Board Travel Proof Requirement List

    OPG sites only.

  3. Landlords Statement for Board or Travel Allowance Entitlement

    OPG sites only.

  4. OPG Wage Schedule Matrix

    Use to locate the applicable wage schedule for an OPG site.

  5. Wage Schedule Reference Guide.pdf

    Quick reference guide on the important aspects of EPSCA Wage Schedules.

  1. Contractors Weekly Time Report for OPG Sites

    OPG sites only.

  2. EPSCA Clearance Request Form - January 2025.pdf

    Use this form to request job clearances from EPSCA

Markup Templates
  1. Notice of Markup Meeting - Template

    For use when notifying the unions of a markup meeting.

  2. Notice of Fax Markup - Template

    For use when your scope of work is less than 3 weeks in duration and requires 10 or fewer tradespeople.

  3. Notification of Work - Template

    For use when the same work has been previously marked up on the same project site/Electricity Production Zone by the same employer.

  4. List of Attendees - Template

    For use at the markup meeting. 

  5. Markup Minutes - Template

    Send a copy of this form to your EPSCA contact following the markup meeting.

  6. Final Assignments- Markup Meeting - Template

    Complete and send to EPSCA before the final assignment date set at the Markup Meeting. 

  7. Final Assignments- Fax Markup - Template

    Complete and send to EPSCA before the final assignment date set on the Notice of Fax Markup.